« Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease »  Hippocrate

Vincennes, Parc Floral, 2013

Desire to help people, an open mind and compassion seem to be the qualities and skills we need to be a good naturopath, at least this is what « The best book on naturopathy » says.

Here’s some food for thought before embracing this new path:

  • Do you have a pioneering spirit? Do you truly believe in naturopathic medicine? There will always be people questioning our credentials.Are we comfortable standing alone?
  • Creative thinking : There is no formula for treating a patient.We need to evaluate their health history, their relationships with friends and family, their stress level, their diet.Each person’s body requires a different treatment and we need to be open to trying new modalities on a case-by-case basis.
  • Emotional investment: The most of a naturopath’s time is spent talking and listening to patients.It requires a great amount of emotional investment and we need to be ready to give of ourself.
  • An open mind: Our chosen modality may not always be the best treatment for the patient.We will have to step out of our box and consider all the possibilities.

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