I was in a moment in my life when I was searching to do something that would bring me more than a good salary,  a cosy home or nice holidays.I wanted to contribute more around me, live a more meaningful life, the kind of reflection almost everyone has at some point in his life.

Medicine and health care were one of the area I was the most  interested to explore .So, when I came in Paris, almost 6 years ago, I was looking for opportunities of training and work in this area : become a nurse, healthcare assistant  or nutritionist.

Not long after , somebody offered me a work opportunity  as careassistant of an old lady.And this is how it all starts….

A. was 88 years old when I met her, she was paralysed,  in a wheelchair.In spite of her condition she smilled most of the time, accepting her condition.That made it for me very easy to become fond of her .Open minded and lucid she was very curious intelectually. This attitudine towards life it is what got her to this age.

But it is about the challenges I had  that I want to share more with you.Today in my 3rd year of Naturopathy I can put words on the experience I have lived five years before.

What I didn’t know then and I know now

For the record : her family was very rigurous about the drugs she was taking, severely checking  doctor’s prescription and each time it was possible the drug (fr: medicament) was replaced by homeopathy or natural remedies.

Like most of aged people she was subject to high blood pressure, so we were administrating drugs to balance it.

She was already having an asthma ; any change in season brought new affections of the respiratory system.

Being paralysed and not being able to walk made her an easy target for other diseases due to  toxins stagnation.

1°  Eczema -Asthma  (toxins transfer)

After a few months  spent with her, at the affections mentioned above,  an eczema « added » to the list.It took us a lot of visits to different specialist doctors (cardiologist, allergist, dermatologist) and a lot of tests because each one had its opinion and had a different prescription with different drugs.We wanted to find the cause and instead we received each time a prescription that was meant to kill the symptoms, we were never at the origins of the issue.

Today I understand why she had the eczema for months and months and probably what it made it go was A‘s will to enjoy another season, another year.

I also can explain myself now  that the skin and the lungs were just ways out for the toxins and when we closed one exit (drugs for asthma) the body was making an effort to evacuate them through another door-the skin (eczema).

 2° All is connected

I had to be in contact with paramedics, nurses,  with specialist doctors.Each time, with no exception, (maybe we were lucky) I was pleasently surprised  by the dedication and the kindness showed .It gave us confidence and I knew that they were doing their best in that situation, their best according to the experience and the training received.

What the naturopathy brings to the allopathy, besides going straight to the cause, is the  unity factor, in a human body all is linked. Overspecialising on one subject makes, in most cases, lose sight of the bigger picture.

I will always prone a collaboration between these two types of medicines and hope that in time each one will take its  natural place : the naturopathy working on the prevention and improving the health state  so that the allopathy should intervene there where the naturopathy cannot (autoimmune diseases, surgery).

I’m grateful for this one year « training » which was a changelife experience for me on so many dimensions and which ultimately got me to the Naturopathy.

left three years ago but I know her beautiful soul found its peace and evolves where it is needed now.

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